Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Home learning Activities - Class Owl

السلام عليكم
في هذه التدوينة بإذن الله سأقوم بتسجيل الأنشطة الجميلة التي تقترحها علينا مدرسة عمر في الحضانة
Ms Heather

وتوصينا بالقيام بها في المنزل خلال فترة التباعد الاجتماعي التي يشهدها العالم كله الآن اللهم فرجك علي البشرية جمعاء قريبا اللهم آمين

الأنشطة مقاربة لحد كبير الأنشطة التي يقومون بها في الفصل مع الأطفال حتي لا يشعر الطفل بطول مدة بعده عن الحضانة ويشعر أنه لا زال علي تواصل مع مدرسته وفصله

قصة هذا الأسبوع 
I need my monster 

Instructions from the teacher: " After you read the story, draw a picture of what your monster would look like. Would it have 4 eyes? A Tail? Maybe sharp teeth? What colors would it be? Would it be big or small? Take a picture of your drawing and text it to me. I can't wait to see them!
Ask your child how they would feel if they had a pet monster.

Other activity ideas for this week:
-          Use sidewalk chalk and practice writing your name
-          Go on a "color" scavenger hunt. Give your child a color and have them find something in the house or outside that matches.
-          Make playdough (see attachment for recipe)
-          Put shaving cream on a tray and write numbers or letters in the shaving cream

Monday April 13, 2020 

- Reading: Story about Dinosaurs 
- Math: Count dinosaurs and sort them form the smallest to the biggest 

- Art: Make fossils with the playdough

-Science: Freeze small dinosaurs or any objects in bones and then use salt and water to get them out


Sounds: Use dinosaur bones to create letters 

Gross motor : Dancing to the song (We are the dinosaurs)

Tuesday  April 14 2020
– All About Me


Create a book about you. Look through family photos and talk about your favorite memories. 

Do a puzzle.

Fine Motor
Write your name (first, last, both) and trace it with markers or stickers

Gross Motor
Write each letter of your name in sidewalk chalk. Space them out so you can jump from letter to letter.

Use a mirror to look at yourself. Then draw a self-portrait. Notice the color of your eyes and hair when you draw.

Pick a word and then help your child create rhyming words.

Wednesday  April 15 2020
– Space 

Watch this read aloud video of a story being read by an astronaut in space!

Make a rocket with legos or blocks. Roll a dice to determine how many pieces to put on the rocket as you build

Fine Motor
Make an alien and planets using playdough. Use beads or pipe cleaners to decorate

Use a ball of foil and paint to create a planet. Dip the foil into the paint and sponge it on a circle.

Make a rocket blanket fort and pretend to be going to space.

Put flour into a shallow pan and drop rocks from different distances. Notice the craters?

Put flour into a shallow pan and drop rocks from different distances. Notice the craters? 

Thursday  April 16 2020
- Transportation

Read a book about a car, truck or other vehicle

Draw shapes with sidewalk chalk or use tape. Drive cars around the shapes while talking about how many sides the shapes have.

Fine Motor
Draw lines on paper (straight line, zig zag, curvy, etc) and have 
children cut along the lines. 

Use construction paper or other materials to create tunnels. Drive vehicles through the tunnels.

Use toy cars and drive them through paint then drive them on a piece of paper. Compare the tracks they make

Cut out squares and write one letter of your child’s name on each square. Have them put the squares in order to spell their name and make a name train.

Monday April 20, 2020


Read a book about shapes. Watch Ms. Heather read the book Tangled.

Cut out circles, squares and triangles. Draw those shapes on paper and have child sort the cut out shapes.


Circle Art – Use bottle caps, toilet paper tubes, straws, etc and dip them into paint and then onto paper.

Fine Motor
Show child how to draw shapes and then have child copy them.

Draw shapes on coffee filters with a marker. Use medicine dropper and drop water onto the shapes. Watch what happens! 

Write out letters on paper. Use the small shapes from the math activity to trace the letters. 


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